Billing Report Terms and Definitions
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Billing Report Terms and Definitions

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Article summary

A detailed summary of terms and definitions contained in the standard monthly Zesty bill and, where appropriate, how these numbers are calculated.

If there is anything you find unclear, or you require further assistance in understanding your bill, reach out to your Customer Success Manager or open a support ticket.


TOTAL: The aggregate financial total of all actions detailed in subsequent sheets.

  • Organization ID - the identification number of the organization the bill refers to. For customers with multiple organizations, you will receive a separate bill for each.
  • Service - the specific product or service being billed.
  • Potential Cost - the total standard on-demand equivalent cost of the EC2 instances used with no commitments applied.
  • Actual Cost - the amount owed to AWS for EC2 usage after commitment based discounts have been applied.
  • Saved - the difference between the potential cost and actual cost.
  • Zesty Fee in % - the applicable fee for your business as defined in your contract.
  • Fee (Pre Refund) - the fee, calculated as: Savings x Zesty Fee in % = Zesty Fee.
  • Eligible Refunds - refunds to be deducted from the bill which have met the terms of the buy back guarantee.
  • Total Fee - total amount owed to Zesty, calculated as: Fee (Pre Refund) - Eligible Refund = Total Fee.

Commitment Manager: A detailed accounting of all actions taken by Zesty on your behalf in regards to RI management.

  • Organization ID - as above.
  • Account ID - the identification number for each connected account in the Zesty dashboard.
  • ReservedInstance/SavingPlan ID - identifier for each commitment purchased or sold on your behalf by Zesty.
  • Date - the date on which the specified action was performed.
  • Operation - either the purchase or selling off of the specified RI.
  • Region - the AWS Region in the which the specified RI was purchased/sold and/or applied.
  • Family - the AWS instance type.
  • Units Quantity - the number of normalized units covered by the RI.
  • On Demand Rate - the standard on-demand rate rate for the region and instance type specified.
  • Offering Rate - the new cost of the specified instance with the RI discount applied.
  • Savings Percentage - the percentage discount attained by utilizing an RI on the specified instance.
  • Currency - USD, which applies to all monetary values on the bill.
  • Hours Purchased - the maximum number of hours which can be covered by the purchased RI (this will generally be 720 or 744 and represents a full month of usage).
  • Usage Hours - how many hours the RI was actually used for.
  • Hours Unused - number of hours during which the RI was not fully utilized.
  • Refund Hours - any unused hours which qualify under the terms of Zesty's buy back guarantee.
  • Utilization - the percentage of Usage Hours which were actually utilized.
  • OnDemand Total - the dollar amount that would have been owed to AWS for the specified instance if on-demand rates were applied.
  • Offering Total - the actual cost incurred by using the specified instance, covered with an RI.
  • Total Savings - the difference between the OnDemand Total and Offering Total.
  • Refund - the dollar amount for any eligible refund associated with utilization of the specified RI under the terms of the buy back guarantee.
  • Fee - the Zesty fee, as applied to each RI/Instance individually.

Upfront Payments: an accounting of any Upfront RIs purchased in accordance with limitations set in Zesty's Budget tool.

  • Account ID - as above.
  • Date - the date on which the Upfront RI was purchased.
  • Expire Date - the date on which the Upfront RI is due to expire.
  • Region - the AWS region in which the specified RI was purchased and applied.
  • ReservedInstance/SavingPlan ID - identifier for each upfront commitment purchased on your behalf by Zesty.
  • Instance Type - the instance type associated with the RI.
  • Savings Percent - the percentage discount achieved by using the Upfront RI compared to the standard on-demand price.
  • Upfront Price - the dollar amount owed to AWS for the term of use.

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