Deploy Storage Autoscaling
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Deploy Storage Autoscaling

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Article summary

This topic describes how to deploy and configure Storage Autoscaling.  Installation is based on a Helm chart published in github repo.


  • A running EKS cluster, v1.7 or later, with the EBS CSI add-on installed, with one storage class defined

  • Kubectl is installed

  • Access to the Zesty platform
    For more information, see Access the Zesty platform/

  • The Zesty API key
    For more information, see Find your Zesty API key.

  • Outbound HTTPS communication from cluster nodes

  • The AWS account ID of the cluster on which Storage Autoscaling is being installed
    Before deploying, share this ID with a Zesty Customer Support representative.
    Note that this ID may be different than the one from the Master payer account.

To install Storage Autoscaling:

  1. Add or update the Zesty repository to your Helm client:

    • To add the repository:

      helm repo add zestyrepo

    • If the repository is already configured, update it:

      helm repo update

  2. Install the Zesty PVC Helm chart:

    # Minimal
    helm install zesty-pvc --set agentManager.apiKey=<API_KEY> zestyrepo/zesty
    # With advanced options
    helm install zesty-pvc --set agentManager.apiKey=<API_KEY> /
    [--set agentManager.prometheusExporter.port=<PORT>] /
    [--set "tolerations[0].operator=<VALUE>,tolerations[0].effect=<VALUE>,tolerations[0].key=<KEY>"] / 
    [--set "nodeSelector.<KEY>=<VALUE>"] / 
    [--set storageClassName=<storageClass name>] / 
    [--namespace <Namespace>] /

    The following table describes the popular command arguments. For the full arguments list, see the Helm chart at






    Enter the Zesty-provided API Key. You can also enter the API key as a secret, as described in the Helm chart. To get your API key, see Find your Zesty API key.



    Enables the Prometheus exported for Storage Autoscaling solution. We recommend using the Prometheus default port, 8443.



    Enables Prometheus autodiscovery of Zesty metrics.



    Configures tolerations roles. You can set as many as needed while making sure to increase the list index number.



    Configures on which nodes Storage Autoscaling is allowed. Use quotes to avoid shell issues.

    For example, “nodeSelector.kubernetes\.io/os=linux”. Note the ‘\’ before the “.io” in the node selector key that is used as an escape character.

    --set storageClassName=<storageClass name>


    Configures which storage class Storage Autoscaling will use to provision new disks. If this is not set, the first one found with EBS CSI provisioner ( is used.

    --namespace <Namespace>


    Specifies on which namespace Storage Autoscaling resources will be deployed.

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