Generating Potential Savings for Commitment Manager
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Generating Potential Savings for Commitment Manager

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Article summary

This walkthrough shows everything you need to get started with Zesty’s Commitment Manager. From setting up a new organization and user in the Zesty platform, to connecting your AWS account to get  a potential savings assessment.


  • Login access to the AWS Management Console of your AWS Master Payer/billing account.
  • Permissions to create IAM roles.

To generate potential savings:

  1. Log in to the AWS Management Console of your Master payer account.
  2. In a separate tab, go to, and click on Create your free account now at the bottom of the page.
    Fill in your company name, full name, email and password (must contain an uppercase letter, a lowercase letter, a number and a special character).
    Click Create Account.

  1. It will take a few seconds for your user and organization to be created.
    Click the orange Login button at the bottom of the page.
    You should now see the Dashboard tab of the Zesty platform with no data populated.

  1. Click Add Account towards the bottom left of the page.
  2. Select AWS as your cloud provider.
  3. Make the following selections to connect your account:
  • Step 1: Choose Read-only as your permissions preset.
  • Step 2: Mark I will provide the CUR later/it is a sub-account.
  • Step 3: Pick your preferred region for stack creation from the drop-down list.
  • Step 4: Mark the acknowledgement box.
  • Click Create IAM Role.

A new tab will now open in CloudFormation with the IAM role template prepared for use.

  1. Scroll down to Capabilities at the bottom of the page and mark the acknowledgement box. Click Create Stack.

  1. A page showing the new role will open.
    Initially it will appear with a status of CREATE_IN_PROGRESS, but this should change to CREATE_COMPLETE within about 30 seconds. Refresh the data if you don’t see this happen.
  2. Go to the Outputs tab and copy the role ARN from the Value column.
  3. Go back to the tab open in the Zesty platform.
    Paste the ARN into the ROLE ARN field and click Connect.

  1. A popup will appear asking if you would like to onboard any other accounts.
    If there is no need, click No.
    If you would like to onboard more accounts, click Yes. Simply log in to the new AWS account in a separate tab and repeat the process above.
    Once you are done connecting your accounts(s) you will be redirected to the main dashboard.
  2. It can take 5-10 minutes to load your data and calculate the potential savings.
    To see the potential savings , click the yellow banner at the top of the page.

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