Troubleshoot Zesty Disk for Kubernetes
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Troubleshoot Zesty Disk for Kubernetes

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Article summary

This topic describes how to use the Zesty Kubectl plugin to troubleshoot Zesty Disk for K8s.

You can use the plugin to generate:

  • A log file that may be required for support.

    A compressed log file will be created under the path:

    <tmp folder>/zesty-k8s-logs-and-resources-<date>.zip

  • A CSV with relevant workload and storage information for a Kubernetes cluster.

    This CSV provides insights into workload types, storage capacities, your storage footprint and more. The CSV includes information about the workload name and type, the Pod name, PV name and size, usage, and utilization.

    The CSV output is sorted by PV size (descending) and Zesty Disk PVs are not included.

To install Krew, see Windows or MacOS.

To use the plugin, you need to install it first.


  • Kubectl is installed

To install the Zesty Kubectl plugin:

  1. Add the Zesty repository to Krew index:

    kubectl krew index add zestyIndex

  2. Verify the repo was added successfully:

    kubectl krew index list

  3. Install the plugin:

    kubectl krew install zestyIndex/zesty

  4. Verify that the plugin was installed successfully:

    kubectl krew list

  5. Validate the Kubectl context:

    kubectl config current-context

    The current cluster’s name will be displayed.

  6. Collect the logs:

    kubectl zesty logs collect

To use the kubectl plugin:

To collect logs for Customer Support use, run this command:
kubectl zesty logs collect

The following table describes how to use the plugin to export information about cluster PVs to a CSV:

To export this

Run this command


For PVs in all namespaces, with the default output location

kubectl zesty generate pv-summary

kubectl zesty generate pv-summary

For PVs in a specific namespace

kubectl zesty generate pv-summary --namespace=<name>

kubectl zesty generate pv-summary --namespace=default

To specify an output path

kubectl zesty generate pv-summary --output=<path>.csv

kubectl zesty generate pv-summary --output=/custom/path/report.csv

For PVs in a specific namespace and output path

kubectl zesty generate pv-summary --namespace=<name> --output=<path>.csv

kubectl zesty generate pv-summary --namespace=default --output=/custom/path/report.csv

Additional filters

--workload-type=<type> \

--min-size=<X>Gi \

--max-size=<X>Gii \

--workload-type=StatefulSet \

--min-size=1Gi \

--max-size=100Gi \

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