What does the 'Potential Savings Report' show?
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What does the 'Potential Savings Report' show?

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Article summary

The Potential Savings Report shows a projection of how much you could save by leveraging AI and automation to trade RIs on your behalf compared to any current processes you may have in place.
The report shows these savings for both the next 30 days and for the next 12 months, as well as any historical wasted spend which has occurred in the previous year.
Typically, you will see a month on month increase in savings, especially if you have any existing commitments, as the report assumes that Zesty will replace these with standard 3-year RIs at a higher discount rate on their expiry.
If you click on the Existing RIs and SPs button in the bottom right corner you will also see a listing of any commitments you currently have together with their utilization, the discount received and the savings currently generated. This is presented side-by-side with the additional savings which could be achieved if Zesty were to replace them as they expire.

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