Check the status of the Zesty Disk Agent
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Check the status of the Zesty Disk Agent

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Article summary

This topic describes how to ensure that the Zesty Disk agent (“Agent” or “Collector”) is functioning.

The Agent collects instance and filesystem metrics and sends those to the Zesty Disk backend, at least once every 5 minutes. In addition, the Agent is responsible for performing filesystem operations.

It is vital to ensure that the Agent is reporting from every instance. For this reason, Zesty monitors the health of all Agent installations. If there is no response within 45 minutes, Zesty will inform you through the agreed-upon channels.

Best practice recommendation: Implement the following status check as part of your own monitoring tools on every instance in which the Agent is installed.

To check the status of the Zesty Disk agent:

  1. Log in to an instance where the Agent is installed.

  2. Open the agent health check log by running the following command:

  3. Review the last message in the log:

    • If the last message is from the previous 2 minutes, the agent is working as expected.

    • If the last message is older than 2 minutes, the Agent is not working properly.
      Do the following:

      1. Prepare the instance log package by running the following command:

        zestyctl logs collect

      2. Reach out immediately through the appropriate channels. Send the log package together with the instance ID.

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