How do I increase purchase limits for the RI Marketplace?
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How do I increase purchase limits for the RI Marketplace?

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Article summary

As Zesty makes many trades of small RIs to provide the greatest level of flexibility in coverage possible, sometimes it is necessary to increase the set purchase limits on the RI Marketplace to facilitate this.

To increase purchase limits:

  1. Log in to the AWS Management Console with your main payer account.
  2. Open AWS Support Center by clicking on the question mark on the top right corner of the screen and making the necessary selection.
  3. Click the orange Create case button.
  4. Select Service limit increase.
  5. Under Limit type, select EC2 Reserved Instance Purchase Instances.
  6. Under Requests, select the regions specified by your CSM (or any region in which you have workloads for initial onboarding). If you have workloads in multiple regions, click Add another request and follow the same procedure for each.
  7. Enter the requested purchase limit, e.g: 1000, under New limit value.
  8. Scroll to Case description and enter 'Please increase our RI purchase limit to give more flexibility to buy and sell RIs'.
  9. Submit the case to AWS.

Typically, AWS will approve the request within 48 hours.

AWS might reject the request if the Master Payer account is new or if they consider the request to be disproportionate to current workloads. If this occurs, please contact us for next steps.

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