Kompass Workloads tab
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Kompass Workloads tab

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Article summary

On the Workloads tab you can see and manage workload optimization in connected clusters.

The Workloads table shows data about workloads, including:

  • Spot management and Headroom reduction: Is the optimization active?

  • Spot allocation: How much of the workload is running on Spot instances?

    The lower the number, the more likely this workload will have Spot management recommended.

  • CPU utilization: How much CPU is being utilized?

    The lower the number, the more likely this workload will have Headroom reduction recommended.

  • Cost and Potential savings: Current cost and how much you could save with Zesty recommendations

The Recommendations column shows which recommendations Kompass suggests for each workload.

Icons representing migration to Spot and headroom reduction features.

To activate Spot management:

  1. Click anywhere on the row of a workload that has a Spot management recommendation.

    The workload drawer is displayed.

  2. In the workload drawer, click Activate Spot management and confirm the activation.

    Interface showing inactive Spot management with action required for activation.

    In that workload’s Spot management column, the in-progress icon Circular refresh icon indicating a reload or refresh action on a user interface. is displayed. When the feature is active that is replaced by A green checkmark symbol indicating approval or completion in a digital context..

To activate Headroom reduction:

  1. Click anywhere on the row of a workload that has a Headroom reduction recommendation.

    The workload drawer is displayed.

  2. In the workload drawer, click Activate Headroom reduction and confirm the activation.

    Instructions for activating headroom reduction in a Kubernetes interface.

    In that workload’s Headroom reduction column, the in-progress icon Circular refresh icon indicating a reload or refresh action on a user interface. is displayed. When the feature is active that is replaced by A green checkmark symbol indicating approval or completion in a digital context..

  3. After Headroom reduction is active, for best savings, manually reduce the amount of replicas according to the recommendation for that workload.

    Do not reduce the amount of replicas until Headroom reduction is active (up to an hour)

For more information on the data shown in the recommendation drawer, see Workload recommendation drawer.

By default, all workloads are shown. To see only those with recommendations, click Recommendations section highlighting key suggestions for improving user experience and engagement. and select which workloads to show.

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